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Terms and Conditions

â–  Face-to-face classes are held at the Ware Arts Centre/Southern Maltings, in the Lower Studio. 

Kibes Lane



SG12 7BS

Please use the east side entrance and leave your pushchair in the buggy area downstairs.

Parking is available at the Pay and Display Car Park adjacent to the venue in Kibes Lane.

Sat Nav: Use SG12 7BS for directions to Kibes Lane car park.


â–  Fees for the term (10 weeks):
Face-to-face classes: £60 (one child); £105 (two children)

A sibling discount of 25% is applied to a sibling over 18 months who attends the same class.

Online classes: £50 per screen/family

Siblings can attend free of charge.


â–  All bookings and payments must be made online in advance. Cash payments are not accepted.

You can join at any time during the term if there are spaces available. You will just have to pay for the remainder of classes for that term.


â–  All payment is NON- REFUNDABLE except in certain rare cases where the classes might have to be cancelled by us. If classes must be cancelled by us due to a force majeure, then refunds will not be issued. For any other reason that a class might have to be cancelled by us, a refund will be offered. We do not give refunds if you do not attend classes for any reason or change your mind after making payment - except in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances and only at our discretion.


â–  Classes are held in a small room and space is limited. Therefore, we can only accept one accompanying adult.


â–  Each face-to-face class lasts 40 minutes with a maximum of 10 children (and their carer).

Each online class lasts 30 minutes with a maximum of 10 families/windows.


â–  Your child is your responsibility during classes. Although we try our best to provide a safe environment, we do not assume liability for the health and safety of you or your family.


â–  Class time should be enjoyable for all. If your child is upset / distressed or making lots of noise and is therefore disrupting the class, and you are unable to calm / quieten them quickly, please take them into another room, away from the main group to comfort them and calm them down. If it’s your baby who is crying, please feel free to bring your older child to sit next to me if you need to while you comfort / feed your baby. 


â–  No food or drinks are allowed during classes, apart from breast or bottle feeding.


â–  The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited during classes, except to take pictures or videos of your child. If you wish for another child to be in the picture or video, please seek permission from the adult accompanying that child before taking pictures.


â–  Please bring only healthy children to class. Your child should remain at home if he or she has had a fever, vomited, or had diarrhoea within the past 24 hours or if s/he is exhibiting contagious cold symptoms (usually during the first few days of a cold). If you see another child with a runny nose or cough, do not automatically assume the child is contagious. Allergy symptoms can resemble cold symptoms. We reserve the right to refuse admittance to the class if we feel that the child is too ill to participate. 


â–  For online classes: please make sure Zoom is already installed on your device so that you will just be able to click on the link I'll send you by email. You will then be taken to the waiting room, and I will let you in at the start time. Please ensure that your children's names are displayed on your device rather than yours. You can change this in your settings. Please also ensure that your camera is switched on.

I will need to mute you at times during the session (during story time for example) but most of the session will be interactive and the children will be able to participate in full.


â–  At French Frogglers we let the child be the guide. At this early age, not participating in an activity is entirely appropriate. As with anything new it often takes a few weeks for children to settle into the classes, and it is not expected that they will want to join in with everything straight away or be able to concentrate for the full session to begin with. After all, part of the reason for coming to the classes is to develop these (as well as many other) skills, and this does take time. Our group activities are encouraged but we never want to force a child to participate; rather we feel that each child should be able to join the activities at his or her own pace.

Children learn in different ways, some will participate, some will learn by watching and others by listening. We often hear from parents that a child who seemed not to be participating will repeat the songs and activities later at home. It is worth noting, though, that the more enthusiastic you are about the activities, the more likely your child is to want to join in, and the quicker they will feel at ease.

It can also be seen that children progress much more quickly in the skills that the classes promote when the classes become part of their weekly routine, rather than something that they attend now and then. Once they settle in and become used to the classes most people find that the child’s enjoyment of the sessions and their level of development increases enormously.


â–  Our Privacy policy is available publicly on our website and can be e-mailed to you directly if you wish.




Tuesdays (face-to-face)


Saturdays (face-to-face) 



Tuesdays (face-to-face afterschool club)



Fridays (online)




Term Time Only


Ware Arts Centre / Southern Maltings

Kibes Lane

(next to the Council’s car park)

Ware SG12 7BS




Online via Zoom

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